Message from our Pastor
Creating space at the table for all God’s children.
The United Methodist Church of Osterville is a reconciling, welcoming, growing congregation, where all people, without exception, are welcomed, as you are. We welcome all LGBTQIA+, questioning, non-binary persons. Whether you helped build the church, or it’s your first time here, you are welcome here. Full of questions, full of doubts, you are welcome here. Walk with us, as we discover what it means to live as a disciple of Jesus. Together in Christ…. Committed to Serve.
Statement of Reconciliation
All persons are recipients of God’s love and grace. We share a faith in Jesus Christ and a commitment to Christianity and this is our bond. In the spirit of God’s love and witnessing Jesus Christ’s life in action, our church welcomes all people. We acknowledge the diversity of God’s universe and open our hearts as Christ loved all His children.
We, the members and constituents of the United Methodist Church of Osterville invite and welcome into our fellowship each unique person of every age, economic status, race, sexual orientation, religious background and social standing. The diverse talents and abilities of individuals shall be recognized and given the freedom to grow.
We value and respect all people for their convictions in faith as demonstrated by their actions within our society. As a true Reconciling Congregation, we shall go beyond this proclamation and encourage the application of Christ’s teachings to ensure justice for all His children. As Christians, it is our responsibility to transmit Christ’s love to others and in doing so, add purpose to our lives by promoting a better understanding among all God’s children.
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